Transport Resources for Older People

What is meant by transport options?

In Australia, older people have the right to maintain their independence as much as possible, which encompasses a right to transport to access goods and services and participate in the wider community. Travelling to appointments, the shops and social events can be challenging for older people depending on their access to a car, social support networks and public transport. It can be even more challenging for those with mobility issues. There are many transport options available for older people in Australia, including community transport services and support to continue driving for as long as possible. Transport options includes resources related to driving, and public transport.

Key Organisations in Transport

Peak bodies, advocacy groups and other organisations that provide information on older people and transport options

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Resource from Dementia Australia for consumers, families and health professionals, covering dementia and driving, including capacity, safety, alternatives and support.

Vicroads resources and information for older people who wish to continue driving.

For Consumers

Resources to use, together with consumers, to support their needs

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Resource, including information sheets, suitable for consumers, families, and communities, that provides information about issues facing older drivers, driving safely and alternatives to driving.

Information about driving and medications, warning signs, and staying safe.

Information about accessing transport options after retirement. Includes information about public transport concessions, community transport, drivers licences and subsidies.

For Health Professionals

Information, resources, and educational programs to assist health professionals

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Reports and Policy

Research papers, reports, reviews and guidelines providing a deeper, evidence-based perspective

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See also