Multicultural Resources for Aged Care – CALD

Cultural and linguistic diversity (CALD) is the terminology used to represent the cultural and language variety that exists in the world. Within Australia, the terminology is typically used to reflect people (migrants or refugees) who have recently arrived in Australia, have lived in Australia for some time but were born overseas, or whose parents (or earlier ancestors) were born overseas. This section is designed to reflect CALD communities more broadly, acknowledging their heterogeneity, with some resources/references necessarily ethno-specific.

This information complements the Australian Government Department of Health’s Actions to Support Older CALD People: a Guide for Aged Care Providers.

Key Organisations

Peak bodies, advocacy groups and other organisations

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The Centre for Cultural and Diversity in Ageing supports aged care providers to address the needs of older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

National platform for Australian mental health services and multicultural communities to access resources, services and information in a culturally accessible format.

FECCA is the peak national body representing Australians from CALD backgrounds.

Health Translations is a free online library of high-quality translated Australian health and wellbeing information.

The Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health promotes the health and wellbeing of migrant and refugee women across Australia. Includes a Multilingual Library Catalogue.

NEDA believes in ‘an inclusive Australia where cultural diversity and disability rights are valued as essential aspects of an equitable society’.

For Consumers

Resources to use, together with consumers, to support their needs

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Information for CALD communities about various aspects of arthritis.

Bilingual factsheets and videos providing information about breast cancer.

Resources related to living with dementia for CALD communities, relevant for families and health professionals.

Information about living with Coeliac disease in multiple languages.

Information related to living with dementia in various languages.

Videos, resources, webinars and programs in various languages, related to living with diabetes.

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care is offering free translation services to help aged care providers communicate with older Australians in their preferred language.

EnCOMPASS Program is a partnership between FECCA and local community organisations to provide navigational support to older people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and their communities to access the aged care system and other supports.

Help for a gambling addiction in various languages.

Directory of Queensland-based CALD organisations providing information, advice, support and networking opportunities.

Factsheets and videos about bowel and bladder health in various languages.

Bilingual brochures and audio files designed to give information about palliative care.

Information related to HIV and Hepatitis in various languages.

Information related to living with Parkinson’s Disease in various languages.

Information, resources, support and an online community for those living with prostate cancer, families and carers, in various languages.

Bolton Clarke has produced a series of Talking Books, each with information sheets on different health topics in different languages.

Information related to mental health in several languages.

For Health Professionals

Information, resources, and educational programs to assist health professionals

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Resources for health professionals working with people from Italy about living with dementia.

Signage available in 25 languages for use in aged care facilities, in the community or a person’s home.

Resources relevant to living with dementia in CALD communities.

Guide to key cultural and religious events and National days of significance.

Cultural profiles to assist health professionals to understand different individuals’ cultures, including communication styles, health beliefs and practices, and utilisation of health services.

Cultural profiles developed by Diversicare to support service providers in delivering culturally appropriate care.

Resources to facilitate communication between health professionals and individuals or carers from CALD communities.

Information sheets related to living with diabetes in various languages.

An illustrated booklet, available in a variety of languages, designed to assist newly arrived community members to make healthy food choices.

Booklet to assist community health professionals in providing culturally appropriate care and support, including strategies

Information and strategies to manage the individual needs and wishes of those receiving palliative care.

Translated resources including factsheets and brochures related to living with diabetes, assisting health professionals to support people from CALD backgrounds.

Factsheets and booklets covering a number of areas of health in various languages.

Directory of health resources in various languages.

List of aged care and health resources in various languages collated by the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing.

Cultural profiles to support the provision of culturally sensitive palliative care.

Resources related to mental health in various languages.

Reports and Policy

Research papers, reports, reviews and guidelines providing a deeper, evidence-based perspective

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Evidence-based discussion of gambling participation within CALD communities in Australia.

Review summarising research on people from CALD backgrounds particularly related to mental health, living with dementia and carers.

Victorian-based commission aimed at fostering harmony and participation of CALD communities. It includes a community directory, publications, events and resources.

See also