Religion, Spirituality and Healthcare
What is meant by religion and spirituality?
Religions, which acknowledges a divine or higher power, have traditional beliefs and practices related to health, illness and death. Spirituality encompasses belief in a higher being, search for meaning and a sense of purpose and connectedness. Religion and spirituality are not synonymous, but have overlap.
How do religion and spirituality intersect with healthcare?
Coping and support systems are influenced by religion and spirituality, as well as
healthcare decision-making related to wellbeing, recovery and death. This section includes resources that highlight perspectives from Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, as well as Indigenous spirituality
Key Organisations
Peak bodies, advocacy groups and other organisations
Information, services and community engagement for those of the Muslim faith.
News, information, ethics and guidelines for those working in the Catholic Health sector.
Information, services and community engagement for those of the Muslim faith based in Perth, Western Australia.
Information, services and community engagement for those of the Muslim faith based in Queensland.
Information, services and community engagement for those of the Muslim faith based in Victoria.
Information, services and community engagement for those of the Muslim faith based in South Australia.
Resources, guidelines, programs, fact-sheets and spiritual screening to to help health professionals meet the pastoral and spiritual care needs of older people.
Resources, guidelines, policy, research and education to help health professionals provide quality spiritual care.
Information and resources about caring for people of migrant and refugee background of the Catholic faith.
For Consumers
Resources to use, together with consumers, to support their needs
For Health Professionals
Information, resources, and educational programs to assist health professionals
Examines death and dying in different religious beliefs, including funeral and burial rituals.
Guide to National days and key cultural and religious events.
Video and resource from CareSearch regarding spirituality at the end-of-life.
Spirituality screening tool designed to assist health professionals to engage in conversations about spirituality with people they work with.
Cultural profiles to assist health professionals to understand different individuals’ cultures, including communication styles, health beliefs and practices, and utilisation of health services.
Information sheets on the intersection between culture and various religions, related to food, body language, medical interventions and counselling/interviewing.
A Queensland Health handbook for health professionals to help them understand religious beliefs and practices of people of the Muslim faith.
Guide from Islamic Council of Victoria for Health Care Workers and Health Service Providers to help them understanding their Muslim patients better.
Overview of the role and core aspects of spirituality in Indigenous Australian culture.
Information and strategies to manage the individual needs and wishes of those receiving palliative care.
Guidelines for incorporating spiritual care and support into residential, home and community care for older people.
Resources and tips from the Center for Cultural Diversity in Ageing relating to spiritual and religious support for clients.
Reports and Policy
Research papers, reports, reviews and guidelines providing a deeper, evidence-based perspective
This report explores the relationship between freedom of religion and belief, and health and well being.